Assessment for learning has been one of the most eye opening experiences in my educational journey thus far. Prior to entering the education program at UNBC, I thought assessment was fairly straight forward and easy to grasp as an outsider looking in (I was mistaken early). Finding out that assessment is much more complex than just giving a student “10/10”, I had to adjust my situation and account for this concept of assessment not just as something given to a student to enter a number, but to provide learning outcomes and avenues for students.

One of the biggest “aha” moments was when I learned about Sara Herbst triangle of assessment. When looking at the triangle, it became evident to me that students needed to this triangle when dealing with a complex learning class. I had a student who was really struggling in the written component of the triangle (product), however I had noticed that this student was phenomenal in providing classroom discussion answer questions and providing 1 on 1 verbal conversation. Assessing this student became so much easier for myself and the student because I was able to provide this student with an adequate mark that they deserved without sabotaging a relationship in the process. This experience to me defined my learning as assessment for learning.

Dylan Wiliam – YouTube – Assessment for Learning