The Curiosity Voyage

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Coding Workshop on Scratch

The coding workshop demonstrated a variety of ways to achieve professional development. Scratch, a program focused on learners immersed with the introduction to coding, was explored in the workshop. While I did not find the benefit to this program at… Continue Reading →

Digital Footprints

A digital footprint is widely known as the unique set of activities and actions that are both engaged and displayed on a digital platform, such as social media, websites, and the internet (Oxford American Dictionary). A lot of this activity… Continue Reading →


ADVENTURE. 2021 is about being adventurous in the outdoors, as well as in the classroom for me. With a sense of irregularity surrounding us all, I think it’s important now more than ever to get outside and explore new methods… Continue Reading →

The Next Finish Line

As the great Albus Dumbledore once said to Harry Potter in his journey: “It is not our abilities that show who we truly are, but it is our choices, Harry” (J.K. Rowling). This resonates as an attribute to those who… Continue Reading →

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is an emerging term in educational society, referring to the responsibility of internet users to engage with society on an appropriate level. This topic is essential to society from an educational standpoint, since there is so much information… Continue Reading →

EdCamp Uvic

In the Ed camp activity, I entered in the integrating phone use BYOD (bring your own device) conversation that had some excellent stimulating conversation. We opened up the conversation with playing kahoot, an online trivia game that can be incorporated… Continue Reading →

Learning Progressions

Learning progressions outline the key aspects of learning for students as they progress through their elementary and secondary education. They run on a point A to point B system, where their initial learning intentions are fundamental by nature, but then… Continue Reading →

Provincial Professional Development Day

This day allowed me to approach professional development day a little differently to what I am used to, a new way of learning through podcasts that I will more than likely continue to do as my teaching career progresses. I… Continue Reading →

Curriculum and Assessment

In the process of teaching youth, curriculum and assessment are essential tools that I have considered since long before starting teachers college. In my observation practicum, I have been shown the BC new curriculum with regards to several different subjects… Continue Reading →

One Month

In my first month of learning, I’d say that I’ve learned a ton about how to interpret the first peoples principles of learning in terms of its application to the classroom. Putting theory into context, I have read the many… Continue Reading →

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