There are several reasons why I decided to become an educator, but at the core it must be, and probably always will be, building relationships. In this last 491 practicum, I was able to explore who I am as a learner, teacher, educator, mentor, and role model for our next generation of youth. I have learned how to navigate the intricacies of assessment and how to bring in assessment for learning to my students through Sara Herbst’s assessment triangle. I have learned that being flexible in assessing students based on what they know instead of what they are supposed to be doing is something that I will take with me as I move forward in my practice. I have had multiple students, who are excellent talkers and contribute a lot to class discussion, fall under the conversation portion of the assessment triangle and complete the task by demonstrating their abilities in the content area to provide me with a final product, just through a different outcome.

Ultimately this practicum has provided me with a paradox: my educational journey is the beginning of a new end. At the forefront, if I can make a difference in the lives of my students, then I can honestly say that my career choice will be fulfilled. I am not the most lavish speaker or knowledge based guru; however, I do have excellent interpersonal skills and a passion for learning and I do honestly believe those are qualities that I have developed through my recent practicum. I think that there are many opportunities in the education system to fight for change within the bureaucracy of the system, whether that means speaking for curriculum development or advocating for more career education/life skill competencies. Ultimately, practicum 491 flew by, but it will be a learning experience that I am ever grateful for due to my CT’s shared love for literature, as well as the students that I got to see grow through building those relationships.