The keynote speaker really opened up a lot of lines of reasoning for me within my own practice and how I could transfer some of those skills into the classroom. I thought some of Ashley’s words really spoke to me with a sense of clarity with the aspect of “teaching who I am”. Ashley spoke a lot of concepts about voice, speech, and other aspects of the individual that really stuck with me. I find that often in the chaos of learning how to teach and learning the content, I often have some minor struggles of finding my own voice and how to project it in a sense that is authentic and provides a sense of direction in the classroom. One of the key phrases that stood out to me in the presentation was to “use the platform you stand on to create/advocate for change and good in the world”. These words are something that I will carry with me as I move forward in the next practicum, not just as a student teacher, but as a leader and role model to all my students. Amidst the craziness of practicum and the huge work load about to unfold, I found it really relaxing to reflect on this learning in a safe space that I could partake in.