The Curiosity Voyage

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End of 491

There are several reasons why I decided to become an educator, but at the core it must be, and probably always will be, building relationships. In this last 491 practicum, I was able to explore who I am as a… Continue Reading →

Location Statement

My location statement pertains to how I connect with land and bring that into my practice as an educator. I am almost always really shy to begin with, but once I get to know people I enjoy talking and socializing… Continue Reading →

Reconciliation Day of Learning

The keynote speaker really opened up a lot of lines of reasoning for me within my own practice and how I could transfer some of those skills into the classroom. I thought some of Ashley’s words really spoke to me… Continue Reading →

Goal Setting for Final Practicum

Within each of Bc’s 9 teaching standards, here are the goals I hope to accomplish in my last practicum: My goal for this standard is to not only value the success of all my students, but also the progression of… Continue Reading →

EDUC 336-Inclusive Education

Inclusive education showed me several ways to introduce strategies in the classroom for my students. These strategies have allowed me to gain perspective with not only just the youth in the classroom, but also with the school based teams and… Continue Reading →

EDUC 401/402-Career Education and Diverse Classrooms

In perhaps one of my favourite topics in education, I was able to expand my skills immensely as a lifelong practitioner in Career Education. The capstone project was perhaps one of my most glorifying, well-prepared presentation that I have properly… Continue Reading →

EDUC 441-Innovative Community Based Approaches

In this course, the lessons learned were unparalleled. I found the dive into what ended up being an individual inquiry project instead of a broader project, due to the difficulty in condensed course time, to be an absolute infinity stone… Continue Reading →

Old Stomping Grounds

When finding out that I was placed into my old high school for practicum 490, I was overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings that are hard to explain. The thought of a social studies 9 class haunted me for many nights,… Continue Reading →

End of Block 2

In finalizing this second block, there have been so many thoughts about education circulating my mind. If anything, this block has been the most thought-provoking up to this point, since there is such a deeper level of connection to the… Continue Reading →

Practicum 391

There quite simply isn’t enough to stay about the learning curve that occurred to me in the first practicum of my teaching career. There were so many things that went well-starting from the robust relationship I built with my coaching… Continue Reading →

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